Google Chrome Download - Browser Made by Google to Compete with IE and Firefox


Last last night, I got an email from one of my subscribed newsletters - from Google announcing that Google Chrome is now ready for download. Clueless that I am, I clicked on the link and made some scan on the write ups.

Google Chrome DownloadThen I learned that Google launched their own Web Browser - Google Chrome, in direct competition with Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Firefox.

The next thing I did was, I downloaded the file, and without thinking, quickly installed the program to test if its better than my old browsers.

My expectations was met, I must say. Faster than Firefox and IE. According to the intro, it is a lot like Opera. (Feature here) Another thing that intrigued me with this new browser is that according to the text I read, you can actually run applications on the browser already. I just haven't tried it yet.

Looking at the logo, I was a little intrigued. The colors are exactly that of Microsoft's and I was thinking, seemed like they just twisted the idea. More of a Twisted Microsoft, hehe. My friend Anthony thinks otherwise. His first impression was that, it's more of a Pokemon Ball, haha.

Try Downloading Google Chrome. You might also like it.

Google Chrome is owned by Google Corp.

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