Jommy Teotico - Pinoy Fear Factor Winner


Congratulations to Jommy Teotico for being the El Ultimo Participante of Pinoy Fear Factor. Jommy is now P2,000,000 richer and the new owner of an Avida House and Lot.

Too bad, I was betting on Janna Dominguez to be the run away winner but she wasn't as lucky as Jommy in the last stunt. But who would have thought that she can beat the muscles of SuperManuel. She sure has my respect and admiration. Beauty can be really deceiving.

Nice one Jommy! Congratulations from Pinay Celebrity Online. Also congrats to Janna although she didn't win any as it's a winner takes all contest.

Janna Dominguez as the runner up of Pinoy Fear Factor

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