Look at how fast time flies. It's still fresh in my memory when Jean Garcia got pregnant by her then boyfriend Jigo Garcia. Fast forward. Their love child is now Jennica Garcia. An almost same face resemblance of her mother. She really looks like Jean when the latter was at her age.
Not only that, she can act too. But not yet at her mother's level. But with constant exposure and breaks, she'll be there for sure.
Now you must be asking, what the heck. Nahh, just sharing you some photos of Jennica Garcia.
Another Jennica Garcia photo inside ->

Not only that, she can act too. But not yet at her mother's level. But with constant exposure and breaks, she'll be there for sure.
Now you must be asking, what the heck. Nahh, just sharing you some photos of Jennica Garcia.
Another Jennica Garcia photo inside ->