PCO condoles to all the victims of Typhoon Ondoy. Truly devastating. Let us all pray that the forthcoming storms won't bring in heavy rains, better yet change its course. For help and donations, you may donate using the details below
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL RED CROSS - http://www.redcross.org.ph/Site/PNRC/wtd.aspx
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PHILIPPINE NATIONAL RED CROSS - http://www.redcross.org.ph/Site/PNRC/wtd.aspx
413-2667 / 416-0387
No 13 Examiner Street, Quezon City, Look for Ms Girlie Aragon
Bank: Banco de Oro, Mother Ignacia branch
Acct name: ABS-CBN Foundation Inc.
Acct no.: 5630020111
ABS-CBN Foundation Inc for overseas donation: 1-800-527-2820 or www.abscbnfoundation.org
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